Die Klasse 10b besuchte im Rahmen der Schulkinowoche gemeinsam mit Frau Süling eine Vorführung des Films „Hidden Figures“, die Teil des Englischunterrichts war. Im Anschluss verfassten die Schülerinnen und Schüler der 10b im Unterricht individuelle „Movie Reviews“. Hier präsentieren wir stolz die beste Kritik, die aus dieser Arbeit hervorging.
Movie Review „Hidden Figures“ by Philipp Franke, 10b
Hello everyone reading this review. I am here to tell you about a wonderful movie called „Hidden Figures. The movie has a rating of four out of five stars.
! Do not proceed to read if you are easily triggered by racism and sexism!
Hidden figures is based on a true untold story which takes place in the year 1961. In that year women and people of color had a lot less rights than white people.
The three main characters, Doratht Vaughan, Katherine G. Johnson and Mary Jackson are all women of color, resulting in them having a much harder life than, for example a white man.
Even with their „disadvantage“, they all work at NASA, to be specific at the NASA in Hampton, Virginia.
I would say that Dorothy has a loose and easy-going personality.
Katherine has a pretty formal and curios personality, as well as a caring one, which she probably got from raising her three daughters, Kathy Johnson, Constance Johnson and Joylette Johnson. Back to the personalities, l would say Mary has a sassy and carefree personality.
Now, a bit more information about Katherine G. Johnson, the G. stands for Goble, the last name of her deceased husband. I won’t explain the Johnson part, so you will have to watch the movie yourself.
Katherine was already fascinated with mathematics and geometry at a young age, resulting in her graduating from High School at the age of fourteen and from College at the age of eighteen. She also was one of the first, or even the first
woman of color to attend the Virginia High School.
Dorothy worked as something similar as a „leader“ she gave everyone in the computer department their tasks.
Mary got something similar to a promotion and was told she had the chance to become an engineer.
Katherine also got a promotion and now works at the „Space Task Group“. She works for her new supervisor, Al Harrison as a „human computer“. Everyone in that group are white males, though. Unlucky.
The movie mostly teaches us that women can do everything as well as anyone else, no matter the skin tone. It also teaches us that both racism and sexism are NOT okay. It is basic knowledge nowadays. Back then, both were acceptable, but definitely not okay.
The director of the movie is Theodore Melfilt. It was filmed in the
Marchouse college in Atlanta, Georgia and Virginia Sp. The genres of the movie are comedy, drama and historical fiction.
I would definitely say that the movie „Hidden Figures“ is a masterpiece. And you should definitely watch it if you haven’t yet.
My personal opinion about the movie is that if you’re interested in history, it’s a must watch,
When watched the movie, it was really cool, exciting and interesting.
I totally recommend watching it. There were parts were I laughed, were serious and I almost teared up.